Your business is small; therefore hackers aren’t interested.

In the immortal word of Dwight Schrute: False.

Actually, since large corporations often have more available resources to implement security protocols and monitor their systems, small and medium-sized businesses make easier, if somewhat less lucrative, targets. As of 2014, SMBs made up about 60% of victims.

So, what to do?

  • For the love of biscuits and gravy, don’t use 123456 as your password. This should be obvious, but for some unfathomable reason it was still the most popular password in 2016.
  • Consider hiring an ethical hacker . They bust into your systems to find vulnerabilities that would be far more expensive if discovered by the less than savory characters you’re looking to avoid.
  • Use AES and HTTPS protocols with proper certificates to encrypt website communications.
  • Keep software updated. Updates often contain fixes for security All problems the company found (or were informed of), so it’s a good life plan to keep up with those. There’s no sense in being hacked if the preventative measure is staring you in the face.
  • Beware of SQL injection monkey business.
  • Don’t forget about the phones. If there’s a data plan (and there is, because nobody except my grandfather uses a flip phone anymore), people are accessing stuff on their phones. Then they bring their phones to the office and the phone automatically connects to the office Wi-Fi and I’m sure you can imagine the potential for chaos.
  • Keep an eye on the underlings. Limit access to data so that only people who need access to that data have it.

All in all, folks, protecting yourself is always worth the hassle. Go and do.

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