mvi hibernate button

Throughout its evolution, Microsoft has continually added features to the Windows operating system to help users save time and money. One of the most useful features, designed primarily for laptops, is the Hibernation Feature. Hibernation started with Windows XP, and allows the user to power down while leaving programs open.

Once activated, Hibernation puts all current work on your hard disk before turning the computer off. This is incredibly convenient, because when ready, you can start back to work almost immediately. There is no need to boot up your machine or re-open programs. Additionally, because your computer uses no energy while in hibernation, you'll be extending your battery life.

The hibernation feature is available on every Windows OS, and can usually be set in your power settings. Many versions also have it set to automatically activate when the battery is low.

If you've recently upgraded to Windows 8/8.1, you may have noticed that the Hibernate option isn’t readily available in the Power Menu. To easily add it, follow these steps:

1.  On your Start page, begin a search for “power.”

2.  Select SETTINGS on the right side.


4.  A new window will open, in which you'll want to select CHANGE SETTINGS THAT ARE CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE. (It should be in blue text at the top.)

5.  Scroll down to the bottom and locate SHUTDOWN SETTINGS. Check the box next to HIBERNATE and then SAVE CHANGES.

You'll now have the option to save time and money each time you log off. Remember, however, that it is a good idea to power down completely from time to time. Temporary files, disk caches, pages files, etc. tend to accumulate over time and, if not refreshed, can slow your machine.

Interested in learning more about Windows 8/8.1 and its features? Give us a call at 616.776.0400 or CONTACT US  for a consultation.