Micro Visions

Industry News

Neck and Shoulder Pain? Your Monitor Could Be To Blame

Considering how much time we spend at our computers, it’s no surprise that injuries resulting from an improperly set up workstation are on the rise. Strain to arms, neck, shoulders and back ...

3D Printing: How Does This All Work?

I recently read where one of the big box home improvement stores is now selling 3D printers both online and at select stores. Initially, I was surprised that they felt this would ...

Keyboard Shortcuts: Boosting Productivity a Few Seconds at a Time

Simply put, a shortcut key, or Keyboard Shortcut, is a key or combination of keys that execute a specific function quickly and easily without the use of the mouse. For many users, ...

Email: Effectively Manage the Monster with Batch Processing

For many of us, our day at the office starts the same each day. We greet our coworkers, grab our first cup of coffee, sit down at our desk, and log in to ...

The Crypto Virus: Are your files safe?

You own a computer, so you've certainly become familiar with the threat of computer viruses; destructive pieces of software that work to negatively impact productivity and, in some cases, maliciously breech the security of your most sensitive data. For years ...

TechSpot Article - Google bans Chrome extensions that don't originate from the Web Store.

If you regularly use extensions for your Chrome browser, you may want to check out this latest article published in TECHSPOT. Google is now only allowing extensions to be installed from the Chrome Web Store directly. The change marks an ...

Looking for additional FLEXIBILITY and SAVINGS? It might be time for Office 365.

Certainly you’ve heard of Microsoft Office. In fact, you’re probably a user of the 2010 or 2013 version of the software. But are you familiar with Office ...

Computerworld Article - Microsoft: We're serious this time; XP's dead to us

"That rush fix last week? Just forget it ever happened" In Computerworld's article about the obsolescing of Windows XP by Gregg Keizer, Microsoft reminds users that it's ...


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