Micro Visions


Microsoft Teams Support In Grand Rapids

Microsoft Teams: The Hot New Collaboration Tool for Office 365 Users Just when you thought Office 365 couldn’t get any better, the hot new collaboration tool for office 365 users is added to the mix: Microsoft Teams. As businesses in the ...

Prep Your Business for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Crisis

Prep Your Business for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Crisis   While working remotely is not a new concept, the percentage of full-time employees working remotely from home has increased from 33% to 61% due to COVID-19. Sending workers home to work ...

COVID-19 Scams Targeting Remote Workforces

COVID-19 Scams Targeting Remote Workforces As the coronavirus surged from a regional outbreak to a global pandemic, hacking schemes followed suit. It might seem incomprehensible, but cybercriminals ramped up COVID-19 scams to unprecedented levels while people suffered through this global ...

IT Companies Need To Deliver Cloud Services To Construction Firms

10 Reasons IT Companies In West Michigan Need To Deliver Cloud Services To Construction Firms Should you be using the cloud for your construction firm? Almost certainly – the cloud is so saturated in the modern business world that, at ...

April Is “Change Your Password” Month

April Is “Change Your Password” Month - Micro Visions, Inc. Urges Users To Update Their Passwords April is a time of change. We recently set our clocks forward, leaves are returning to the trees, and spring is in the air. ...

Michigan’s Governor Issues Executive Order To Suspend All Nonessential Activities

Michigan’s Governor Issues Executive Order To Suspend All Nonessential Activities As of March 24, Michigan residents have been ordered to cease all activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life. This is the latest action taken state-wide to ...

Is Your Construction Firm Facing These Challenges?

Construction Firm IT-Based Challenges Any construction firm, regardless of the size, will face many challenges. Whether it's a strict deadline, harsh industry regulations or aggressive competition, the construction industry will always offer its share of difficulties. You know this, and ...

Hackers Targeting Construction Companies for Lucrative Proprietary Information

Here are a Few Reasons Hackers are Targeting Construction Companies In the past, the construction industry has fallen behind in terms of investing in technology. But nowadays, many construction companies are starting to realize the benefits of having the right ...

5 Ways to Improve Efficiency on Your Construction Project

How to Improve Efficiency on Your Construction Project In a previous article I wrote, I addressed the cost that change orders have on a construction firm. Here, I am going to focus on 5 ways to improve efficiency on your ...

More Connected Job Sites, Fewer Project Delays… What DOESN’T the Cloud Do for Construction Companies?

What DOESN’T the Cloud Do for Construction Companies? A recent report found that 87% of the construction industry feels open to using cloud technology. But for some reason, the construction industry is the slowest to adopt digitization, despite being a ...


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