Micro Visions


Microsoft Bookings: Scheduling Made Easy

Schedule Appointments More Easily With Microsoft Bookings Are you tired of emailing back and forth to find a time to schedule an appointment with a client? Is your administrative staff spending all their time arranging your schedule? You can simplify ...

Unwinding From the COVID-19 Chaos

Restoring normalcy and moving forward with remote-working strategies for the long-haul Let’s face it – 2020 got off to a rocky start. A global pandemic blindsided leadership teams and forced major changes to the business scene in March. There’s no ...

Successfully Restart Business Operations

Effectively Protect Your Workforce While you Successfully Restart Business Operations As Michigan slowly prepares to reopen the economy, it's time to start creating a safe back-to-work plan for your employees. There are lots of factors to consider as you prepare to ...

Schedule Emails to Send with the New Microsoft Outlook Feature

Schedule Emails with Send Later in Outlook In business, timing is everything. If you plan on sending an email, later could be better than right now. With Microsoft Outlook Send Later, you can schedule to send emails later. You can ...

Prep Your Business for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Crisis

Prep Your Business for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Crisis   While working remotely is not a new concept, the percentage of full-time employees working remotely from home has increased from 33% to 61% due to COVID-19. Sending workers home to work ...

COVID-19 Scams Targeting Remote Workforces

COVID-19 Scams Targeting Remote Workforces As the coronavirus surged from a regional outbreak to a global pandemic, hacking schemes followed suit. It might seem incomprehensible, but cybercriminals ramped up COVID-19 scams to unprecedented levels while people suffered through this global ...

Is Your Construction Firm Facing These Challenges?

Construction Firm IT-Based Challenges Any construction firm, regardless of the size, will face many challenges. Whether it's a strict deadline, harsh industry regulations or aggressive competition, the construction industry will always offer its share of difficulties. You know this, and ...

5 Ways to Improve Efficiency on Your Construction Project

How to Improve Efficiency on Your Construction Project In a previous article I wrote, I addressed the cost that change orders have on a construction firm. Here, I am going to focus on 5 ways to improve efficiency on your ...

Will Windows 7 Be HIPAA Compliant After the End-of-Support Date?

The HIPAA Security Rule Requires All Covered Entities and Business Associates To Use Current Software Kept Up-to-Date with Updates from the Vendor All software comes with a lifecycle. Unfortunately, even the best operating systems will expire at some point. Windows ...

What’s the Cost of Running Outdated Technology in Your Construction Company?

Running Outdated Technology in Your Construction Company Can Cost You Time and Money Microsoft stated that 70-80% of the top 10 malware infections could be avoided entirely, as long as you have updated technology. You’ve likely felt the impact of ...


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